Last updated: 28 Apr 2022 | 1136 Views |
When plastics first emerged as a quick and inexpensive material for containers and packaging, plastic tube and PET bottle manufacturers never planned to feature the material's disposable nature. To plastics chemists and engineers, the material was always supposed to be recyclable. The plastic bottle of today was supposed to be recycled after use and become the plastic container, bottle, or packaging of tomorrow.
Most plastic material is designed using resins that are meant to be recycled. To people in the plastics industry, that was one of its selling points and should have been emphasized from the time the material first began to gain popularity in the packaging market.
For companies to emphasize the disposable abilities of this new type of packaging over the recyclable qualities went against the grand design of the people who were responsible for its creation and further refinement. This threw a spanner into the works in terms of breaking the carefully designed life cycle of the material. It also made plastic containers and packaging a little more expensive for product manufacturers and consumers but a lot more harmful to the environment.
Instead of building a clean system of recycling where the material was used completely, the material started showing up in the landfills, rivers and oceans of the world. By the time the world’s marketers realized the error of their ways, the world is now in danger of always having a plastic waste problem.
The plastics manufacturers recognised their products had some massive problems in achieving the life cycle they had envisioned. However, to their credit, they doubled down on their research and are making a concerted effort to right the wrongs of yesterday.
Plastics manufacturers are tackling the problem of waste plastic and the larger problem of conserving the earth's resources from several angles. The manufacturers recognise that no single solution is going to solve all the waste problems.
They've also realized that their first option may have been the best option. It will take a lot more time, but appealing to the need to recycle may still be the best option available to society. With more and more consequences of the lack of recycling becoming apparent each day, having a workable solution that can be put into motion quickly may be the best option, even if it's some time before we're able to see the benefits.
Many manufacturers are aware of the need for a balanced approach when working towards an overall reduction in pollution. They know that if their manufacturing processes are still contributing to pollution, the research and development strides they are making in coming up with ecological alternatives like bioplastics are less valuable.
They have to reduce the amount of damage they’re doing to get the full value of the positive developments. And reducing the carbon footprint is one of the best ways for a company engaged in working towards a waste solution to underline its efforts.
But engineering a reduction in a manufacturing company’s carbon footprint is a complex undertaking. It involves taking into account all the company’s energy use that could be traced back to fossil fuels. This means counting all the transportation resources used in shipping a company’s products. If a company’s employees drive themselves to work each day, that has to be counted as well.
This doesn’t mean that you have to eliminate all these facets from your production processes. It just means that by measuring them and accounting for them, you can reduce your energy consumption in other ways to offset them, and you should.
There are companies working on redesigning machinery to work on alternative types of power, such as renewable electrical power from solar batteries. And there are plastics manufacturers working on the viability of bioplastics. These two prospects hold some of the best hopes for the plastic packaging industry.
There is a packaging industry leader in Thailand called Victor Packaging. They are involved in reducing their carbon footprint by replacing their machines with hybrid technology machines. They are still in the process of finishing the project at their six plants. But when they're done, they will be able to operate with 70% more energy efficiency. This makes the other efforts they are making that much more valuable.
Victor Packaging is also researching bioplastics with an aim to integrate these sustainable materials into their supply chain and, over time, phase out the use of plastics. The company is also starting to introduce post-consumer resins into its products to lessen the amount of new material used.
With Victor Packaging approaching the plastic waste and earth conservation issues from three different angles of attack, they demonstrate their commitment to the environment. Learn how they can demonstrate their commitment to helping your brand succeed. Contact them today.
28 Apr 2022